Sunday, September 9, 2007

Finally in Ireland!

Yikes 4 days without a blog. I apologize...

I'm so glad to be out of London, I was getting really really depressed sitting in that big house all by myself. Then with transit being on strike and me getting sick and having to go to the hospital I wasn't sure what would happen next. I was having a really hard time sleeping. The night before I was supposed to fly to Ireland I couldn't fall asleep till about 130 or 2 am. I had a 430 am pick up to go to the airport which meant I had to get up at 4. The whole time I was in London I averaged about 2 - 4 hours of sleep a night. I ended up eating something really horrible in London that made me really sick. My boss took me to the ER at 11 pm at night (yes its free healthcare even though I'm an american). The wait was about 2 hours so Eric suggested we go to the clinic down the street. It was immediate service but it ended up costing £105 which is about $210.00. After my £8 prescription, £23 in cab fares, £30 for vitamins the american dollar total was over $300+. Eric offered to pay for it and I will be forever in debt to him. I've been taking my antibiotics for 5 days now and I'm feeling a lot better.

I took a nice flight on AerLingus to Ireland. My flight left at 650 am and I arrived sometime around 8. Then I took the bus from the airport to another bus stop, then the number 7 bus to the coast. I stayed in a city prounounced Dun-Leery, its really confusing to spell it properly so I won't even try.

So I got to The Marina House in Dun-leery outside of Dublin. It was the dirtiest place I've ever stayed. I bunked in a room last night with a guy from Italy, a guy from France and a girl from Spain. Very interesting people I tell ya. It was quite comical as both of the guys were snoring. First, Aldo, the guy from Italy was snoring, and I was like "ALDO!!" All of a sudden he jumped out of bed and was like "Si, si!!!" Then the French dude came in and he started snoring, so me and the Italian guy were trying to wake him up... When he finally woke up he said in his funny french accent, "No, that is impossible I do not snore!" The way he said impossible was like super funny. Then the Italian guy fell asleep and it was me and the French guy awake, keep in mind this is like 330 am. Aldo the Italian starts snoring, so the french guy goes to his bunk, plugs his nose and starts shining his cell phone light in his face. All of a sudden the italian guy goes into convulsions. It was the funniest damn night of my life. Finally I decided to make some ear plugs out of toilet paper, but it was so unsuccessful. I ended up falling back asleep around 5, but was again woken up by an atomic fart which resulted in the worst smell I've ever smelled. It wasn't the noise of the fart that woke me up, but the smell, which means it must have come from the depths of hell. I have no idea where it came from but it woke me up out of sound sleep.

Today I'm pretty groggy and tired. After taking another cold shower this morning and realizing I left my body soap at that last dumpe we stayed at we arrived at The Shinging Hostel and its SOO clean!! :D I'm not sure what Anna and I are gonna get up to tonight but maybe something mellow. I decided the other day to go to Amsterdam, so when I leave the shining hostel on wednesday, I've got a flight that arrives in Amsterdam at 445 pm local time. Now instead of being 8 hours difference from san francisco, i'll be 9 hours.

Meanwhile, back at Marina hostel in Dun-Leeery, we met this really nice guy from Missouri. I'm trying to convince him to meet me in Amsterdam but he wants to go back to Gallway, Ireland for a couple weeks. That crazy Italian guy Aldo will be in Amsterdam but I think I need to steer clear of that guy.

Sister if you're reading this, I'm going to call my hostel in Amsterdam and maybe you can 3-day fedex my charger. The battery is almost dead and to buy a charger here is €50 which is about $75.00.

Here is where I'm staying in Amsterdam:

Hostel:Inner Amsterdam
Address: Wanningstraat 1 ,Amsterdam 1071 LA, Netherlands
Telephone: 0031 20 - 66 25 792

Once I get there I hope to take a bicycle tour of the city. I've done most of the touristy things there so we'll see. Unless you've been there you have NO idea what kind of bike population they have. The statistics say that there are 700,000 people there and 1 million bikes. I ran into some Americans at the Guiness brewery yesterday and she told me she was so surprised by the bikes, it really is unbelievable.

Oh yeah, yesterday we went to the Guinness brewery where with your admission you get a tour and at the top you get a free pint of Guinness. Well I drank my pint, then other people would take a sip of their beer and leave it on the counter and just leave, so I ended up drinking other peoples beers. FREE BEER! I had 3 pints in total and left the brewery pretty wasted. It was good fun times. At the top of the factory they have what's called the Gravity Bar it has a 360 degree view of Dublin, its pretty amazing. I havent taken many pictures for fear of my battery dying but I'll try and sort it out.

Hope you can HELP ME SISTER!!

miss you guys and you're right nicole my goo goo is an asswipe. I just bought the book "he's just not that in to you" today, can't wait to read it. Cheers everyone! Kiss my cats for me i miss them SO much!