Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Mummy, what's for pudding?

So today as I was walking around westminster I realized that "pudding" is just some general term for dessert. Kinda random, but I heard this girl ask her mummy what was for pudding and her mummy said ice cream! I had heard the term used before in a pink floyd song but I wasn't sure that pudding meant something other than pudding.

Anyway, today i kinda had a late start. I was feeling quite ill this morning so I ended up leaving the flat around 11. I sorted out where I wanted to go for the day so I headed to the bus station and took a couple busses until I arrived at St. John's Wood underground tube station. I didn't take the tube from there until later, my first stop was Abbey Road made famous by the Beatles album cover. I actually took some pictures of myself in the crosswalk and I rang up one of my friends and had him look at me online. They actually have a camera outside pointing at the crosswalk so if you go online people can see you. Pretty cool. Unfortunately when I arrived there it was about 5:45 california time so I apologize I didn't ring anyone else to have them look at me in a crosswalk online.

After that I realized that the Jubilee line was running to I wanted to go see the London Eye again. I took the train to the Waterloo station because it looked the closest to the London Eye, but actually the Westminster station is closer. So i hopped on a bus and got off at the wrong stop, which made me have to walk super far. When I finally arrrived at the Eye I was like, "WTF are all these tourists doing here?!" Even though I'm totally a tourist, I don't walk around with my fanny pack and camera pulled out like everyone else. I actually didn't take many pictures today because i was like "eh, been there done that" so basically i just tried to fit in with the locals. Once I realized the ques for the Eye were super long and that tube was on strike, I figured I better try and make my way back before rush hour traffic. I hopped on the Jubilee line, got off at West Hamstead and caught the silverlink rail towards richmond. caught the 452 bus and once again, was informed to get off at the wrong stop. I ended up walking SOOO far. Half way through my walk I realized I had a major blister on my foot which made things really difficult. Its a good thing I brought my London A - Zed book because without that I might have never made it back to the flat.

Once I got back here I realized I was getting sick. I had major chills, so I popped 2 advil and layed on the couch and listened to my ipod. Then after I sweat it out Eric came to the house and asked if I wanted to have dinner with him and one of his friends. It was really nice. Last night we went out to the Hospital Club for dinner and drinks. I noticed here in London that people join these swanky clubs for high prices but the benefits are really great. Tonight we went to this other members only club he belongs to called Electric. We had a good dinner and drinks now I'm back here thinking I should go to sleep. It's about midnight and I'm feeling pretty tired. I hope everyone at home is doing well and I'll talk to ya'll soon!

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