Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My last night in Ireland... weep...

Actually, I'm pretty excited to be moving on to Amsterdam. Dublin is such a busy city, when I thought about Ireland I thought green hills, castles and leperchans, but infact its probably one of the busiest cities I've ever been to.

Not last night but the night before (no, 24 robbers didn't come knocking at my door) but I had another horrible nights sleep. This 40 year old woman was staying in my room at the hostel and not only did she come back wasted and assume everyone who was sleeping wanted to hear about her drunken night, but she snored like nothing I've ever heard in my life. She sounded like a purring cat. I'm not even joking. She snored in and snored out and it woke me up and 130 am and around 4 am Anna woke up to find me with kleenex stuffed in my ears and my ipod on reading a book. I tried every attemp to fall back asleep but was unsucessful till around 5. I tried to wake this crazy biatch up and politely let her know she was keeping the entire room of 16 beds awake and she flashed and went crazy on me. (I bought some ear plugs yesterday and slept like a log last night) The thing that really sucked was that we had to get up super early cause we booked a Lakes and Valleys tour of Ireland. It was pretty nice to see some of the Irish country side. We went to a couple villages and saw really old buildings and such... I have pictures. I'm pretty thankful that my camera battery hasn't died yet! Its gone almost 2 weeks without a charge!

Today, we went to Malahide castle and took a tour. Then we went to Trinity college to take a look at the Book of Kells, apparently the book of Kells was written by monks around 800 ad and it has some of the most incredible writing and art Ive ever seen. Its some sort of transcription of the first 3 books of the bible... something like that. (I know I'm a bad tourist) It wasn't really something I wanted to see but Anna wanted to see it so we went. The library they had was incredible though. I've never seen anything like it. Something you might see in a Harry Potter movie or something.

Anyhow, its might last night here in Ireland, last night we each bought a Guinness in a can and I have to say that Guinness in a can is a lot stronger than any guiness from a pub. Lets just say us girls had a fun night back in our room taking silly pictures and being crazy. I'm so sad to part ways with Anna tomorrow, but I'm sure I'll have a good time in Amsterdam.

Ok ya'll I'll try to be good, text me if you want. Makes me happy and feel like I'm not so alone. Talk to ya'll later. :D

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