Monday, September 3, 2007


Since I've been waiting for my cab for about... oh, 2 hours now, i thought I'd sit down a blog a bit on todays events. It seems like everytime I go to Europe there's a strike on the public transit. Last time I was in Italy there was a strike against the war in Iraq so naturally they had to shut down the public transit system. No trains, no busses. Then again, the italians find a reason to strike for anything. There's nearly a strike every other day in Italy.. No joke.

I officially spent like $60 american dollars just on trasit today, thats 1 fifteen minute train ride and a short cab ride. Then I opted for some lunch at this Italian place and the food was totally disgusting. Cost me about 7 pounds, which is 14 American. I gotta get out of this city! My wallet is being raped by the pound! I wanted to fly somewhere tomorrow but then I realized that I forgot my camera charger, so my sister is fedex-ing it over night, thank god.

Tomorrrow, I'm gonnna have to sort out a way to get to west minster abbey to go to the famous crosswalk on the Beatles album cover. Also, I plan to hit up Stonehenge, Bath and Windsor castle, public trasit permitting.

Its 8pm here, I'm starving and my cab still hasn't come. I saw a cab outside dropping someone off and I ran from the 5th floor of this flat down 5 flights of stairs nearly breaking my neck just to see the cabby drive away... I think this is why I lose so much weight in Europe... You can't eat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

christian, we're all waiting for your next blog! don't leave us hanging! p.s., do they really use a blackboard for recipes?! p.s.s. i've been watching bbc and thinking of chu... :D